Burn Less Wood and Save Money

A Heat Powered Stove Fan is a Great Way to Lessen Your Heating Costs in Winter
Wood stoves are popular all over the world, and with good reason…after all, there’s nothing like a crackling fire on a cold winter’s day. Many people also rely on wood stoves to help save money on a winter heating bill. If you’re one of those people, allow us to introduce you to Ecofan, the best way to make your wood pile last longer and save money on your heating bill this winter season.
When you’ve got a fire going in your stove, the hot air rises to the ceiling and it takes a while for the room to warm up. An Ecofan gently circulates the warm air from your stove helping you feel warmer faster and taking care of those cold corners. With improved heat circulation, you’ll also find that it’s one of the best ways to burn less wood.
The University of Waterloo did some testing and concluded that on average you will save 14% fuel when you use an Ecofan with your stove. If you want to find out more, you can download the report here.
Invented in Canada nearly 25 years ago, Ecofans are the original heat-powered stove fans, and they’re renowned the world over for quality and performance. They are perfect for wood stove owners who live off-grid or in areas where power outages are common, because they do not require solar hookups, batteries, or electricity.
To feel warm farm faster, simply place an Ecofan on the back corner of your stove and start your fire. There is no On/Off switch…the fan will start automatically as your stove heats up, gently circulating warm air throughout your room. When you notice the fan slowing down, it’s time to add some wood.
Enjoy doing that less often while you save money on heating this winter.